Nyingmapa Taksham Buddhist Center
Enthronement of 8th Terchen Taksham Tulku

The reincarnation of the 7th Taksham Tulku Karma Yongdu Chokyi Nyima was born on 20th December 2006 at Minnesota in USA. His father’s name is Dorjee Tsegyal from Kham Dege Dema and mother’s name is Dechen Wangmo from Kham Nangchen. On 8th April 2007, the young boy was recognized as the 8th Terchen Taksham Rinpoche by HE Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche and named him Jalue Dorjee. Jalue Dorjee Rinpoche is the first Buddhist reincarnation born in Minnesota. On 6th January 2009, His Holiness the Great 14th Dalai Lama confirmed him as the reincarnation of the 7th Taksham Rinpoche and blessed with confirmation letter to the parents. On 17th May 2010 His Holiness the Dalai Lama gave his name Tenzin Gyurme Trinley Dorjee and confirmed the Manjushshri transmission and performed the traditional hair cutting ceremony in Madison, Wisconsin USA. Many other Rinpoches including Sakya Gongma Trichen Rinpoche, the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, Department of Religion, CTA and others blessed with the approval letters.
The enthronement ceremony was held in Orgen Mindro Samten Ling Gompa near Gomba Dara, below Lava in Kalimpong District. On 27th July 2019, the enthronement ceremony was blessed and headed by HE Kyabje Khochhen Rinpoche began from 7:30 AM and continued till 1:30 PM.
The enthronement ceremony was attended by the Kalimpong Tibetan Settlement Officer Miss Tenzi Dadon, Representatives of Cholkhasum, Gaden Tharpa Choeling Gompa, Segyud Gompa, Zekar Gompa, Regional Tibetan Women’s Association, Gangjong Doeghar, Kalimpong Tibetan Opera Association and some other residents of Kalimpong. All the monks of the monastery and nearby local people attend the ceremony. The artists of Gangjong Doeghar performed the Tashi Sholpa dance while the young Taksham Tulku was led with religious procession from his residence to the main Gompa.

Interview with a REINCARNATED 15 YR OLD MONK! (Ft: Taksham Tulku Rinpoche)

Interaction with 2TMeditation with regards to the simple breathing meditation and how it helps relax your mind and body.

Tsok Fest offering to Guru Padmasambhava

On August 6th and 7th, Nyingmapa Taksham Buddhist Center will be holding a Guru Rinpoche 100,000 tsok feast (Bhum Tsok) where we’ll practice together to accumulate offerings toward the long life of His Holiness the Great 14th Dalai Lama and other great Dharma teachers. We will also dedicate the merit of our practice toward peace and happiness for all sentiment beings. Please join us to practice from 10am to 5pm.

This summer Rinpoche had taken a trip to Nepal. Mainly it was a visit so Rinpoche could receive the important empowerments from the Taksham Cycle from His Eminence Lama Namkha Drimed Rabjam Rinpoche in Yanglesho, Nepal. Rinpoche had a great trip and got to enjoy a great pilgrimage around the sacred sites all around Nepal. Rinpoche also got to visit many high lamas during this trip like Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi Rinpoche and had a great time having a long conversation in his room. Also visited parts of Europe which included France and Switzerland. Rinpoche also got to visit Nyingma Khenchen Pema Sherab in France. Rinpoche had a great experience on this trip during his summer vacation.